* @Copyright (C) 2014 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved * @License GNU/GPL version 2 or any later version * @Createdate 31/05/2010, 00:36 */ if (isset($_GET['response_headers_detect'])) { exit(0); } define('NV_SYSTEM', true); // Xac dinh thu muc goc cua site define('NV_ROOTDIR', pathinfo(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', __file__), PATHINFO_DIRNAME)); require NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/mainfile.php'; require NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/core/user_functions.php'; // Google Sitemap if ($nv_Request->isset_request(NV_NAME_VARIABLE, 'get') and $nv_Request->get_string(NV_NAME_VARIABLE, 'get') == 'SitemapIndex') { nv_xmlSitemapIndex_generate(); die(); } // Check user if (defined('NV_IS_USER')) { trigger_error('Hacking attempt', 256); } require NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/core/is_user.php'; /* * Kết nối với các plugin trước khi gọi các module ngoài site * Các plugin này có thể sử dụng thông tin thành viên */ if (isset($nv_plugin_area[5])) { foreach ($nv_plugin_area[5] as $_fplugin) { include NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/plugin/' . $_fplugin; } } // Cap nhat trang thai online if ($global_config['online_upd'] and !defined('NV_IS_AJAX') and !defined('NV_IS_MY_USER_AGENT')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/core/online.php'; } // Thong ke if ($global_config['statistic'] and !defined('NV_IS_AJAX') and !defined('NV_IS_MY_USER_AGENT')) { if (!$nv_Request->isset_request('statistic_' . NV_LANG_DATA, 'cookie')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/core/stat.php'; } } // Referer + Gqueries if ($global_config['referer_blocker'] and $client_info['is_myreferer'] === 0 and !defined('NV_IS_MY_USER_AGENT')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/core/referer.php'; } if ($nv_Request->isset_request(NV_NAME_VARIABLE, 'get') or $nv_Request->isset_request(NV_NAME_VARIABLE, 'post')) { $home = 0; $module_name = $nv_Request->get_string(NV_NAME_VARIABLE, 'post,get'); if (empty($module_name)) { $module_name = $global_config['rewrite_op_mod']; } elseif ($module_name == 'nv-preview-theme') { // Kiểm tra xem trước giao diện $theme = $nv_Request->get_title('theme', 'post,get', ''); $checksum = $nv_Request->get_title('checksum', 'post,get', ''); if (in_array($theme, $global_config['array_preview_theme']) and $checksum == md5(NV_LANG_DATA . $theme . $global_config['sitekey'])) { $nv_Request->set_Session('nv_preview_theme_' . NV_LANG_DATA, $theme); } nv_redirect_location(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA); } elseif ($module_name == 'nv-choose-theme') { // Thay đổi giao diện người dùng $theme = $nv_Request->get_title('theme', 'post,get', ''); $tokend = $nv_Request->get_title('tokend', 'post,get', ''); if ($tokend === NV_CHECK_SESSION and in_array($theme, $global_config['array_user_allowed_theme'])) { $nv_Request->set_Cookie('nv_u_theme_' . NV_LANG_DATA, $theme, NV_LIVE_COOKIE_TIME); } $nv_BotManager->setNoIndex()->printToHeaders(); nv_htmlOutput('OK'); } } else { $home = 1; $module_name = $global_config['site_home_module']; $meta_property['og:title'] = $global_config['site_name']; } if (preg_match($global_config['check_module'], $module_name)) { $site_mods = nv_site_mods(); // IMG thong ke truy cap + online if ($global_config['statistic'] and isset($sys_mods['statistics']) and $nv_Request->get_string('second', 'get') == 'statimg') { include_once NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/core/statimg.php'; } $op = $nv_Request->get_string(NV_OP_VARIABLE, 'post,get', 'main'); if (empty($op)) { $op = 'main'; } if ($global_config['rewrite_op_mod'] != '' and !isset($sys_mods[$module_name])) { $op = ($op == 'main') ? $module_name : $module_name . '/' . $op; $module_name = $global_config['rewrite_op_mod']; } // Kiểm tra module có trong hệ thống hay không if (isset($site_mods[$module_name])) { // Global variable for module $module_info = $site_mods[$module_name]; $module_file = $module_info['module_file']; $module_data = $module_info['module_data']; $module_upload = $module_info['module_upload']; $include_file = NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/funcs/main.php'; if (file_exists($include_file)) { if (empty($global_config['switch_mobi_des'])) { $global_config['array_theme_type'] = array_diff($global_config['array_theme_type'], array( 'm' )); } // Tuy chon kieu giao dien if ($nv_Request->isset_request('nv' . NV_LANG_DATA . 'themever', 'get')) { $nv_BotManager->setNoIndex()->printToHeaders(); $theme_type = $nv_Request->get_title('nv' . NV_LANG_DATA . 'themever', 'get', '', 1); if (in_array($theme_type, $global_config['array_theme_type'])) { $nv_Request->set_Cookie('nv' . NV_LANG_DATA . 'themever', $theme_type, NV_LIVE_COOKIE_TIME); } $nv_redirect = nv_get_redirect('get', true); if (empty($nv_redirect)) { $nv_redirect = NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA; } nv_redirect_location($nv_redirect); } // Xac dinh cac $op, $array_op $array_op = array(); if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\-\_\/\+]+$/i', $op)) { nv_redirect_location(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name); } if ($op != 'main' and !isset($module_info['funcs'][$op])) { $array_op = explode('/', $op); $op = (isset($module_info['funcs'][$array_op[0]])) ? $array_op[0] : 'main'; } $op_file = $op; // Xac dinh quyen dieu hanh module if ($module_info['is_modadmin']) { define('NV_IS_MODADMIN', true); } if (defined('NV_IS_SPADMIN')) { $drag_block = $nv_Request->get_int('drag_block', 'session', 0); if ($nv_Request->isset_request('drag_block', 'get')) { $drag_block = $nv_Request->get_int('drag_block', 'get', 0); $nv_Request->set_Session('drag_block', $drag_block); $nv_redirect = nv_get_redirect('get', true); if (empty($nv_redirect)) { $nv_redirect = NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name; } nv_redirect_location($nv_redirect); } if ($drag_block) { define('NV_IS_DRAG_BLOCK', true); $adm_int_lang = $nv_Request->get_string('int_lang', 'cookie'); if ($adm_int_lang != NV_LANG_DATA) { $nv_Request->set_Cookie('int_lang', NV_LANG_DATA, NV_LIVE_COOKIE_TIME); } } } // Ket noi ngon ngu cua module if (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/language/' . NV_LANG_INTERFACE . '.php')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/language/' . NV_LANG_INTERFACE . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/language/en.php')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/language/en.php'; } // Xem trước giao diện if (($nv_preview_theme = $nv_Request->get_title('nv_preview_theme_' . NV_LANG_DATA, 'session', '')) != '' and in_array($nv_preview_theme, $global_config['array_preview_theme']) and file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $nv_preview_theme . '/theme.php')) { if (preg_match($global_config['check_theme_mobile'], $nv_preview_theme)) { $is_mobile = true; $global_config['current_theme_type'] = 'm'; } else { $is_mobile = false; $global_config['current_theme_type'] = $nv_Request->get_string('nv' . NV_LANG_DATA . 'themever', 'cookie', ''); $array_theme_type = array_flip($global_config['array_theme_type']); unset($array_theme_type['m']); if (!isset($array_theme_type[$global_config['current_theme_type']])) { $array_theme_type = array_flip($array_theme_type); $global_config['current_theme_type'] = current($array_theme_type); } unset($array_theme_type); } $global_config['module_theme'] = $global_config['site_theme'] = $nv_preview_theme; unset($nv_preview_theme); } else { /* * Xác định kiểu giao diện * - responsive: r * - desktop: d * - mobile: m */ $global_config['current_theme_type'] = $nv_Request->get_string('nv' . NV_LANG_DATA . 'themever', 'cookie', ''); if (!in_array($global_config['current_theme_type'], $global_config['array_theme_type'])) { $global_config['current_theme_type'] = ''; $nv_Request->set_Cookie('nv' . NV_LANG_DATA . 'themever', '', NV_LIVE_COOKIE_TIME); } // Xac dinh giao dien chung $is_mobile = false; $theme_type = ''; $_theme_mobile = empty($module_info['mobile']) ? $global_config['mobile_theme'] : (($module_info['mobile'] == ':pcsite') ? $global_config['site_theme'] : (($module_info['mobile'] == ':pcmod') ? $module_info['theme'] : $module_info['mobile'])); if ( ( // Giao diện mobile tự động nhận diện dựa vào client ( $client_info['is_mobile'] and in_array('m', $global_config['array_theme_type']) and (empty($global_config['current_theme_type']) or empty($global_config['switch_mobi_des'])) ) // Giao diện mobile lấy từ chuyển đổi giao diện or ($global_config['current_theme_type'] == 'm' and !empty($global_config['switch_mobi_des'])) ) and !empty($_theme_mobile) and file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $_theme_mobile . '/theme.php') ) { $global_config['module_theme'] = $_theme_mobile; $is_mobile = true; $theme_type = 'm'; } else { if (empty($global_config['current_theme_type']) and in_array('r', $global_config['array_theme_type']) and ($client_info['is_mobile'] or empty($_theme_mobile))) { $global_config['current_theme_type'] = 'r'; } $_theme = (!empty($module_info['theme'])) ? $module_info['theme'] : $global_config['site_theme']; $_u_theme = $nv_Request->get_title('nv_u_theme_' . NV_LANG_DATA, 'cookie', ''); if (in_array($_u_theme, $global_config['array_user_allowed_theme']) and file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $_u_theme . '/theme.php')) { // Giao diện do người dùng chọn $global_config['module_theme'] = $_u_theme; $global_config['site_theme'] = $_u_theme; } elseif (!empty($_theme) and file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $_theme . '/theme.php')) { $global_config['module_theme'] = $_theme; } elseif (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/default/theme.php')) { $global_config['module_theme'] = 'default'; } else { trigger_error('Error! Does not exist themes default', 256); } $theme_type = $global_config['current_theme_type']; unset($_theme, $_u_theme); } // Xac lap lai giao kieu giao dien hien tai if ($theme_type != $global_config['current_theme_type']) { $global_config['current_theme_type'] = $theme_type; $nv_Request->set_Cookie('nv' . NV_LANG_DATA . 'themever', $theme_type, NV_LIVE_COOKIE_TIME); } unset($theme_type); } // Xac dinh layout funcs cua module $cache_file = NV_LANG_DATA . '_' . md5($module_name . '_' . $global_config['module_theme']) . '_' . NV_CACHE_PREFIX . '.cache'; if (($cache = $nv_Cache->getItem('modules', $cache_file)) != false) { $module_info['layout_funcs'] = unserialize($cache); } else { $module_info['layout_funcs'] = array(); $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT f.func_name, t.layout FROM ' . NV_MODFUNCS_TABLE . ' f INNER JOIN ' . NV_PREFIXLANG . '_modthemes t ON f.func_id=t.func_id WHERE f.in_module = :module AND t.theme= :theme'); $sth->bindParam(':module', $module_name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->bindParam(':theme', $global_config['module_theme'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->execute(); while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $module_info['layout_funcs'][$row['func_name']] = $row['layout']; } $sth->closeCursor(); $cache = serialize($module_info['layout_funcs']); $nv_Cache->setItem('modules', $cache_file, $cache); } // Doc file cau hinh giao dien $cache_file = NV_LANG_DATA . '_' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '_configposition_' . NV_CACHE_PREFIX . '.cache'; if (($cache = $nv_Cache->getItem('themes', $cache_file)) != false) { $theme_config_positions = unserialize($cache); } else { $_themeConfig = nv_object2array(simplexml_load_file(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/config.ini')); if (isset($_themeConfig['positions']['position']['name'])) { $theme_config_positions = array( $_themeConfig['positions']['position'] ); } elseif (isset($_themeConfig['positions']['position'])) { $theme_config_positions = $_themeConfig['positions']['position']; } else { $theme_config_positions = array(); $_ini_file = file_get_contents(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/config.ini'); if (preg_match_all('/[\t\n\s]+(.*?)<\/name>[\t\n\s]+(\[[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\])<\/tag>[\t\n\s]+<\/position>/s', $_ini_file, $_m)) { foreach ($_m[1] as $_key => $value) { $theme_config_positions[] = array( 'name' => $value, 'tag' => $_m[2][$_key] ); } } } if (!empty($theme_config_positions)) { $nv_Cache->setItem('themes', $cache_file, serialize($theme_config_positions)); } } require NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/theme.php'; // Ket noi ngon ngu theo theme if (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/language/' . NV_LANG_INTERFACE . '.php')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/language/' . NV_LANG_INTERFACE . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/language/en.php')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/language/en.php'; } // Xac dinh template module $module_info['template'] = $global_config['module_theme']; if (!file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/modules/' . $module_info['module_theme'])) { if (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/default/modules/' . $module_info['module_theme'])) { $module_info['template'] = 'default'; } } // Ket noi voi file functions.php, file chua cac function dung chung // cho ca module if (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/functions.php')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/functions.php'; } // Xac dinh op file $op_file = $module_info['funcs'][$op]['func_name']; if (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/modules/' . $module_info['module_theme'] . '/theme.php')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/modules/' . $module_info['module_theme'] . '/theme.php'; } elseif (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/theme.php')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/theme.php'; } if (!defined('NV_IS_AJAX')) { nv_create_submenu(); } // Ket noi voi cac op cua module de thuc hien if ($is_mobile and file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/mobile/' . $op_file . '.php')) { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/mobile/' . $op_file . '.php'; } else { require NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module_file . '/funcs/' . $op_file . '.php'; } exit(); } elseif (isset($module_info['funcs']['main'])) { $sth = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . NV_MODULES_TABLE . ' SET act=2 WHERE title= :title'); $sth->bindParam(':title', $module_name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->execute(); nv_insert_notification('modules', 'auto_deactive_module', array( 'custom_title' => $site_mods[$module_name]['custom_title'] )); $nv_Cache->delMod('modules'); } } elseif (isset($sys_mods[$module_name])) { $groups_view = (string) $sys_mods[$module_name]['groups_view']; if (!defined('NV_IS_USER') and $groups_view == '4') { nv_redirect_location(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=users&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=login&nv_redirect=' . nv_redirect_encrypt($client_info['selfurl'])); } elseif (!defined('NV_IS_ADMIN') and ($groups_view == '2' or $groups_view == '1')) { // Exit nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['site_info'], $lang_global['module_for_admin'], 404); } elseif (defined('NV_IS_USER') and !nv_user_in_groups($groups_view)) { nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_content'], 404); } } } nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_content'], 404);